domingo, 29 de agosto de 2010

Blog #2

Friday 13, 1675, it all began with a colorful day when they arrive (Valerie Thompson squaw). It started when some men arrived and evict people from their houses it was all confusing and at the same time scary. I tried to run with my three children, Tom who is 18 years old, Sara who is 10 and Johnny who is 3. We didn´t know what to do, we were standing and starring at the window how they hitted every single person and killing them. When a member from the squaw saw us he run toward us. He separates me from my children I just saw them cry and desperate I didn´t know what to do suddenly a woman approaches and tells me “do you want to see your children again well then you need to cooperate”. But I was thinking to myself in what way would I help her if I didn´t actually knew anything. When I understood that she needed me too be her slave. And the only thing she wanted from us was just to be part of her squaw and be able to participate in the war where they fight for land and power. I was really confused when those evil beast started talking of the harm they will do to some children and the first image that came to my mind where my little children. They stop the truck and two men get down of the truck and help all of us to be able to get down. She knew my life Valerie Thompson knew my name, knew who is my husband. They gave me my children and we spent the night in a camp house they had. When I hear Valerie Thompson who was talking to her assistant and she was telling him “we are going to attack Eduardo Cyrus squaw”. I was paralyze when I hear her saying that about my husband squaw, when I realize that she had me capture because she knew that her enemy was my husband. I wake my older child and told him what I have heard. “Mom let´s escape from this place and go to dads squaw, I know he is closer from here” he told me with a desperate voice. “Ok let´s wake them up and go”. Finally we are really separate from Valerie Squaw. When we saw my husband all worry trying to figure out a plan, I told him I know their plan, they know you are going south so they will attack you by south so be prepare. When I saw his face he was all worry about what was going too happened. I lie down and think about a backup plan. Thursday 19, 1675 today is the day where my husband squaw is going to fight against Valerie for a piece of land. The night arrived and Eduard isn´t here, I´m really freaking out. He won the battle. We finally arrived home. When we arrived my husband received applause for his courage and was name king of the Battles.

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